Thursday, 19 January 2012

Numerology Analysis of Osama Bin Laden

Regardless of one’s political or spiritual beliefs or where one happens to reside in the world, the death of Osama bin Laden is massive news, affecting the face of war and politics worldwide, not to mention the way we react and relate as humans.
Lets have a closer look at Osama Bin Laden Numbers to analyse his path so far.
Osama Bin Laden was born on 10th March 1957, which makes his physic number 1 (Born on 10th, 1+0=1). 1 is the planet of Sun which makes him a dominating leader.  Others will follow him due to his beliefs and ideas.  This number dominates religion.  His destiny number is 8 (10.3.1957; 1+0+3+1+9+5+7=26; 2+6=8), 8 is the planet of Saturn, which will make him very rigid and stubborn on his outlook in life.
The combination of Physic 1 & Destinty 8 can make a person either a Saint or a Criminal, but due to wrong name, Saturn afflicted him with miseries. His stubbornness in pursuing his own path, contrary to the facts that lie, creates a series of events that lead to failure and loneliness. The negative vibrations of the name made him a ruthless and negative revolutionary, ready to overthrow and disrupt peace and democracy.
Osama Bin Laden full name is Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden (Name Number 99); popular name was Osama Bin Laden (Name Number 42).
Name Number 99 totals upto 18 (9+9=18) – Number of the Anti Christ – which creates destruction. This is a number of disease, mental instability and generalized decay. The name is depictive of materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of nature.
Name Number 42 total upto 6 (4+2=6) – Planet of Venus – This number will make him popular for his relentless effort and hardwork be it negative or positive. This number provides him with boundless courage and energy to perfom stupendous tasks. Osama did manage to expose USA weakness and master mind 9/11 attacks.
However; Destiny Number of 8 (Saturn) which is the planet of Justice brings insumerrable suffering for the wicked and blessings for good. Hence even though Name Number of Osama Bin laden was good but since his apporach was negative, it brought about his sudden death. Bin Laden deserved to die the way he did.
Name Number 42 is excellent because of which he got the success of execution of his plans and he became the most wanted criminal. Because of his destiny number 8 his death came sudden, remember that Number 8 only or Saturn is only good for people doing good deeds.

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